- All Juniors should be done with their first interview. This means that we should have had a meeting about the activities you plan to take part in for the year. If you have not done this yet, you must see me ASAP.
- Set up an appointment using the CAS calendar.
- Download the CAS Planning form from this link and type in the necessary information. Then email me the form with your answers. (There is no need to print this form.) Forms must be sent in the day before our scheduled meeting, at the latest.
- Remember to write a journal entry at least every month for your long term projects, and one journal entry every 2 or three weeks for projects of a shorter duration. (Post these journal entries on your blogs, or send them to me via email. If you are using a written journal, make sure to have your supervisor sign your entries.)
- Within two weeks after your activity or project is finished, make sure to post your final reflection on your blog (or email it to cas@brentsubic.edu.ph... or write it in your notebook or diary). Check our CAS blog (Reflection page) for some guide questions. You can also refer to page 9 of your Student Handbook for CAS.
- Provide your supervisor with a copy of (or access to) your final reflection and a copy of the supervisor’s evaluation form that they are to answer for you. Make sure that you get this evaluation form to the coordinator. This completes the requirements for that particular project or activity.
Seniors, your final interviews will be scheduled for the latter half of March. Please use the time between now and that time to make sure that everything is in order with your programs.
For comments, concerns, suggestions, extra guidance, please come see me.