"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, August 15, 2011

New CAS microsite

I know this post should have preceded the other two posts below, and I apologize for any confusion brought about by the delay in announcing (and clarifying) the changes. YES, as you may have figured out by now, there is a new CAS microsite for Brent Subic.

Although this blog has served its purpose quite well in getting information and program procedures out to the public, the new microsite promises to make all this information and its different levels more accessible. The Navigation Panel at the bottom of each page should make it easier to jump from topic to topic, and there should be less digging through page links to get the information you need. Also, helpful information and tips previously shared as posts on this blog tend to get buried under all the more current material as the year progresses. This issue is easily circumvented with the new microsite with its unlimited static pages and the new forum feature. (Should you have a question or concern that is not directly answered in any of the individual pages of the microsite, you can start a topic in the forum, CAS Talk, created specifically to help facilitate discussion about issues, concerns, and ideas about the CAS program.) A contact page with an easy-to-use form is now also available, enabling site visitors an easy and convenient way to send questions, suggestions, or feedback without having to leave the site or open a separate browser window/tab for their mail client.

These and several other features of the new site have made the decision to migrate easy for me. One thing I do miss is not being able to use the "http://brentsubiccas..." url (yet). I believe it helped this blog show up in internet searches more often. The convenience, though, of having all the information I need for my students in one location outweighed this particular feature. Hopefully those of you who did find your way to this blog through your searches won't mind one more click to be re-directed to a more robust incarnation of this information portal. :-)

I am still in the process of migrating the rest of the information from this blog's static pages to their new home. Some of these pages received needed updates, others full re-writes to address the weaknesses of last year's program and processes. I encourage you to have a look at (and bookmark) the new CAS microsite if you have found any of the information on this blog useful. For the time-being, I will continue to re-post CAS-related material here to reach those of you who have subscribed to this blog (or may stumble upon it through a Google search).

(Got feedback, a comment, or suggestion for the new site? Something you'd like to see/featured? Please do let me know. Thanks.)


Thoughts on writing up your Activity Proposals

Some important reminders about the proposal process:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

International Coastal Cleanup 2011

Check out the new CAS site through this post:

New CAS microsite @ http://mrtolentino.weebly.com/cas.html

Check out the available links to help guide you in putting together your program. =)


Monday, February 28, 2011


Here’s a proposed breakdown of the activities for tomorrow’s interaction with the kids from POCCH:
4:00 - 4:15  Name tags, groupings, group cheer
4:15 - 4:30  Activity #1: Ping-Pong Relay
4:30 - 4:45  Activity #2: Elbow Tag
4:45 - 5:00  Activity #3: Human Bingo
5:00 - 5:40  Merienda and Playground time
5:40 - 5:45  Group photos and load up the bus
For those who can make it, let’s meet in the Spirit Shop at 3:15pm to discuss the basics of the activities and what possible role/s you can fulfill for the afternoon’s event. If you have something at that time, then just come see me any time during the day (except 3rd block coz I have class) so I can brief you and answer any questions you might have.
A big THANK YOU to those who have emailed to say that they will be helping out. See you all tomorrow. Winking smile

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Recycling Club Needs YOU!

Image courtesy of Keisuke Musashino

Our Recycling Club needs volunteers to help them collect recyclables around school and from the homes around Binictican. This is a very worthwhile endeavor and a great Service opportunity. If you are not yet part of it, then get on-board! See Ms. Calimlim and find out what you can do to help. If you are already part of the cause, then let's get your friends hooked too!

(Don't forget to write up a proposal for this if you'd like to earn credit for CAS.)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

POCCH Visit on Tuesday, March 1

Photo courtesy of Ramona Kabigting

We have invited around 30 kids from the Philippine Outreach Center Children's Home in Subic town to come over to our campus for some much needed (and much awaited...by them in particular) interaction. These would be the same kids you got to interact with if you took part in the first visit to their Center last November. We need volunteers to help facilitate the games and activities so if you can make time, please come join the fun.

The plan is to get the kids here by 5pm 4pm (The kids will be let out from school early, so they will be picked up by 3:15 instead of 4pm), spend about 45 min for games and activities (which will be held down at the field behind the Lower School library), then serve them a meal (courtesy of Mrs. Kabigting...THANK YOU!!!). Hopefully we can get them back to the Center before 7pm 6:30pm.

If you would like to help plan and/or facilitate a game or activity, please get in touch with Ramona directly. If you were not part of the visiting group last November but would like to be involved, let us know by leaving a comment on this post (and send in a proposal as soon as you can).

For any questions or concerns, shoot me an email or come see me in the Spirit Shop.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jumpstarting Journals

I have noticed that some of you are having difficulty in fulfilling the journal requirements for your CAS activities. Remember that the expectation is that you write journal entries regularly (generally once a month) for each activity or project that you are actively involved in. Here are some tips on how to get yourself in the groove to write:

  • Journal Entry #1: Self-assessment

Make it a point to write a journal entry when you start each activity. You can use the following questions as writing prompts:

  • What is my past experience with this activity?
  • What new learning or skill do I hope to achieve or develop?
  • How will this experience be different from that of the past?
  • How am I going to know if I am making progress in achieving the goal/s I have set?

Answering these questions should help clarify where you are headed and what needs to be done for each activity.

  • Staggered Journaling

Avoid having to write multiple journal entries in one sitting. Instead, spread out your journaling sessions into 3- or 4-week cycles. For example, Week 1 would be journaling for Activity A, Week 2 for Activity B, Week 3 for Activity C, and so on. Your reflections should certainly be more authentic and sincere as a result of this practice.

  • Journals as Checkpoints

Set short-term goals that you hope to accomplish before the next journaling session. Your can then write about whether or not you achieved these short-term goals and the reasons and factors that affected each outcome.

These are just some simple ways to help develop the practice of journal writing. Journals provide you with opportunities to reflect on your experiences and record your insights and learning in a timely and organized manner. As an added benefit, you will have a better resource (than just your memories) to draw from when you need to write your final reflections at the end of each activity or project.

Happy journaling =)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Friendly Reminders

We are nearing the end of the second week of the semester now and I believe that you have had more than enough time to get your programs back on track (for those of you who have already started, that is). A couple of reminders to help you get on your way:

  • All Juniors should be done with their first interview. This means that we should have had a meeting about the activities you plan to take part in for the year. If you have not done this yet, you must see me ASAP. 
    • Set up an appointment using the CAS calendar.
    • Download the CAS Planning form from this link and type in the necessary information. Then email me the form with your answers. (There is no need to print this form.) Forms must be sent in the day before our scheduled meeting, at the latest.
For everyone else already hard at work with their programs:
  • Remember to write a journal entry at least every month for your long term projects, and one journal entry every 2 or three weeks for projects of a shorter duration. (Post these journal entries on your blogs, or send them to me via email. If you are using a written journal, make sure to have your supervisor sign your entries.)
  • Within two weeks after your activity or project is finished, make sure to post your final reflection on your blog (or email it to cas@brentsubic.edu.ph... or write it in your notebook or diary). Check our CAS blog (Reflection page) for some guide questions. You can also refer to page 9 of your Student Handbook for CAS. 
  • Provide your supervisor with a copy of (or access to) your final reflection and a copy of the supervisor’s evaluation form that they are to answer for you. Make sure that you get this evaluation form to the coordinator. This completes the requirements for that particular project or activity.
Juniors, we will be having our second CAS interview beginning mid-February. By that time, we will check on your progress and see how close or how far you are from hitting the 8 learning outcomes of the program. Make sure to take the necessary steps to be prepared for this session.
Seniors, your final interviews will be scheduled for the latter half of March. Please use the time between now and that time to make sure that everything is in order with your programs.

For comments, concerns, suggestions, extra guidance, please come see me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Touching Base and Catching Up

Welcome back, guys! I hope you made the most of your vacation with your family and friends. Now it’s time to get back on track (well, at least for those who didn’t get to do any CAS work over the break).

I was very happy to receive a handful of proposals over the holidays, and even happier to hear about the work that some of your peers were doing while on vacation. Abbas and Akber were involved in a restoration project in Italy and I am looking forward to reading about their experiences and seeing the some of the photos they were able to take. Armand and William were actually involved in a medical mission with the Tzu Chi foundation even before we went on break last December. Cindy, together with a couple of other Juniors (Kevin and Solina, if I’m not mistaken) took riding classes at El Kabayo just a few weeks back. I know of a couple of seniors who were supposed to have done some CAS work as well, and I will let you know about their accomplishments soon. (I am waiting to hear from them first.)

This is all good news for those who were able to stay productive during the break. One reminder for these busy bees: please update your blogs with your journal entries. If your activity has concluded, then you have two weeks from the date of completion to write and post your final reflection. Then, we need to get the evaluation from your supervisor. Once these necessary steps are done, then we can update the status of your project from Finished to Complete.

We do have some ongoing projects that might be of interest to those of you who haven’t really gotten their feet wet in CAS. The outreach work with POCCH (Philippine Outreach Center Children’s Home) had a successful first visit last December and we’re looking forward to more regular encounters with the children this semester. Production is coming up, and so is the ISAC tournament. And of course, 2nd semester clubs are starting in two weeks as well. If you are interested in getting involved in any of these activities, or, if you have questions about what’s involved, then drop by the CAS office (or email me!).

Stay tuned for more updates and possible service activities.

Let’s welcome 2011 with positive expectations. Go Razorbacks!