New CAS microsite ~ Home of the Razorbacks
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

Monday, August 15, 2011

New CAS microsite

I know this post should have preceded the other two posts below, and I apologize for any confusion brought about by the delay in announcing (and clarifying) the changes. YES, as you may have figured out by now, there is a new CAS microsite for Brent Subic.

Although this blog has served its purpose quite well in getting information and program procedures out to the public, the new microsite promises to make all this information and its different levels more accessible. The Navigation Panel at the bottom of each page should make it easier to jump from topic to topic, and there should be less digging through page links to get the information you need. Also, helpful information and tips previously shared as posts on this blog tend to get buried under all the more current material as the year progresses. This issue is easily circumvented with the new microsite with its unlimited static pages and the new forum feature. (Should you have a question or concern that is not directly answered in any of the individual pages of the microsite, you can start a topic in the forum, CAS Talk, created specifically to help facilitate discussion about issues, concerns, and ideas about the CAS program.) A contact page with an easy-to-use form is now also available, enabling site visitors an easy and convenient way to send questions, suggestions, or feedback without having to leave the site or open a separate browser window/tab for their mail client.

These and several other features of the new site have made the decision to migrate easy for me. One thing I do miss is not being able to use the "http://brentsubiccas..." url (yet). I believe it helped this blog show up in internet searches more often. The convenience, though, of having all the information I need for my students in one location outweighed this particular feature. Hopefully those of you who did find your way to this blog through your searches won't mind one more click to be re-directed to a more robust incarnation of this information portal. :-)

I am still in the process of migrating the rest of the information from this blog's static pages to their new home. Some of these pages received needed updates, others full re-writes to address the weaknesses of last year's program and processes. I encourage you to have a look at (and bookmark) the new CAS microsite if you have found any of the information on this blog useful. For the time-being, I will continue to re-post CAS-related material here to reach those of you who have subscribed to this blog (or may stumble upon it through a Google search).

(Got feedback, a comment, or suggestion for the new site? Something you'd like to see/featured? Please do let me know. Thanks.)


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